Image ©Laura Pedrick
Editing Services
I offer editing services for poets working to complete a chapbook or full-length manuscript. My areas of focus include individual line edits, order of poems, sections, poems to include vs. poems to omit, titles of poems, and general comments. I also provide advice and guidance on submissions, including where to send, what to send, and when to send.
Developmental Feedback
I will provide 2-4 pages of commentary on the overall project, including suggestions for the advancement of the manuscript and specific insights into how you might revise, re-order, and enhance the poems in the book. One, 1-hour Zoom meeting included.
Chapbook (20-40 pages): $100
Full-Length Manuscript (40-80 pages): $200
Complete Manuscript Editing
I will provide all the developmental feedback described above, as well as detailed line-edits for each poem in the manuscript. Four, 1-hour Zoom meetings included.
Chapbook (20-40 pages): $500
Full-Length Manuscript (40-80 pages): $1000
Dara-Lyn works with no more than 2 clients at one time in order to provide highly specialized service.
References and reviews available upon request.
Contact: daralynshrager (at) gmail (dot) com. Please mention Editing Services in the subject line.